Friday 19 October 2012

the Multiplexor

i do not in any way own these beautifully drawn pictures;

source credits go to wikipedia, and the 8th edition of Computer Organization and Architecture by W. Stallings

pretty, aren't they? =)

Multiplexors (MUX)
-          a device that selects one of several analog or digital input signals and forwards the selected input into a single line.
-          used in digital circuits to control signal and data routing
-          e.g.  the loading of the program counter (PC)

the number of selector pins are determined using the formula log2(n)

The value to be loaded into the
program counter may come from one of several different sources:

-     A binary counter, if the PC is to be incremented for the next instruction
-    -     The instruction register, if a branch instruction using a direct address has just been executed
-    -     The output of the ALU, if the branch instruction specifies the address using a displacement mode

the diagram above shows an implementation of a 4-1 MUX using AND, OR, and NOT gates;
the one below is a simplified version

-     1. There are four input lines, labeled Do, D1, D2, and D3. Only one of these lines is selected to provide
           the output signal F.
-     2. S1 and S2 implement 2-bit selection codes that are required to select the output signal F.

Deriving the Boolean Equation of a Multiplexor

the table above is a simplified form of a truth table.

From the truth-table of the 4-to-1 MUX, the Boolean Equation for output F can be derived:

F = (DoS1’S2’) + (D1S1S2’) + (D2S1S2’) + (D3S1S2)

For a 2-to-1 MUX (2 inputs, 1 output, 1 selector)
F = (AS’) + (BS)

by Lua Xin Lin B031210345